Sunday, December 29, 2019
The Victims of Bullying Are Not The Only Ones that Need Help
Bullying, a loathsome and unsavory act, is widely seen in all aspects of life, but more particularly in school settings. It features an aggressor intimidating or tormenting a weaker person in one way or another. This act usually ends badly for the victims and leaves him or her in a vulnerable and pitiful state. Thirty percent of U.S. students in grades six through ten are involved in moderate or frequent bullying; as bullies, as victims, or as both (National Survey). Bullying is increasingly viewed as an important contributor to youth violence, including homicide and suicide. It is more prevalent among males than females and occurs with greater frequency among middle school-aged youth than high school-aged youth; children who are obese,†¦show more content†¦A bully’s lack of social skills could be the main motivation behind his or her actions. By not knowing how to make or keep friends, a bully may be bossy, controlling and aggressive to get their way or even use bull ying as a tool to become popular and powerful. Their lack of communication and problem-solving skills can also make them use physical, verbal or relational aggression to express their feelings. Some bullies also might not have assertive skills, making them use aggression as a way to get what they want or need. Bullies who are unable to interact or engage in normal communication with another are impaired in their ability to relate with, or maintain relationships with others. Wanting attention by bullying, though wrong, is the only way a bully knows how to express themselves. They either have never learned how to correctly do so, or were taught the behavior by family members. A bully’s immature social skills play a huge role in their behavioral problems. Severe family problems can take a toll on a person and cause them to intimidate and terrorize others in an effort to feel better about their situation. The issue can be that the bully is a product of violent or abusive behavior in their own family. A bully, who has been abused by their family sees abuse as the only way of communication. It is true that family has a huge influence in a child’s life, and how they behave in front of a child couldShow MoreRelatedBullying Is Not A Major Problem1450 Words  | 6 PagesBullying, by definition â€Å"is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance†(Stop Bullying). Bullying has quickly become a serious problem in schools, and it negatively impacts both the bully and the victim. Students who have been bullied even once in their lifetime have a higher risk of attempting suicide, and in general have lower self-esteem, causing them to have difficulty maintaining relationships. 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