Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Inclination of Today’s Youths Towards Self-Harm
Many teenagers are suffering a hidden pain in the privacy of their homes. They secretly cut, burn, scratch, pull hair, and bruise their bodies. The psychosis is termed non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI).Teenagers are feeling pressures from typical insecurities of low self-esteem, body image, fashion trends, bullying, pressures from friends, and family issues. As a result, teens are turning to the internet for strategies of how to deal with the pressures of life, making this topic more of a public enigma, than a private suffering issue. NSSI is a growing phenomenon and parents and psychologists should advocate safe internet sites, and force social media outlets to provide links for teens to access healthier ways to manage their emotions. NSSI behavior is on the rise and is more prevalent among our youth today; due to images, other teens upload on the internet. Today many teens are accessing self-harm images and content on the World Wide Web, through YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. The images are of the cuts and burns that others have inflicted on themselves, while others are of diagrams depicting where to cut, that parents and teachers will not notice. Some teens will use self-injury to try to relieve their feelings of anxiety and pressures they are feeling in their lives. According to Caitlin Dewey, in an article from The Washington Post, an issue with internet sites is that they promote the activity as normal and healthy, therefore encouraging teens to continue injuringShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Censorship1590 Words  | 7 Pagesis rich with imagery of criminality and this sends out a subconscious but consistent message affirming criminality. Youth hear this message and risk for falling prey to the idea that they must behave in this way, and further, they idolize the artists that create this type of music, which fuels motivation to act out in the same ways. 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